In addition to showing you different printmaking techniques and what our students are up to in the print room, we would like to use this blog to post work by inspirational printmakers, illustrators, designers and artists.
Illustrator Wesley Merritt is currently showing work at Coningsby Gallery (Tottenham Street, London) between 29/09/14 & 04/10/14.
In the print room we really love Wesley's style, his use of colour and half tone in his work is simple but extremely effective. Although Wesley's work is not been presented as screen prints, Matt and I both agree that it easily could be.
Click here for more information on Wesley Merritt's Exhibition.
We also feel it would also be worth checking out some of the screen prints in the gallery shop for inspiration and to see how contemporary illustrators and graphic designers are using texture, halftones and colour in their work.
Prints by 'Heretic'