Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Wesley Merritt - Coningsby Gallery

In addition to showing you different printmaking techniques and what our students are up to in the print room, we would like to use this blog to post work by inspirational printmakers, illustrators, designers and artists.
Illustrator Wesley Merritt is currently showing work at Coningsby Gallery (Tottenham Street, London) between 29/09/14 & 04/10/14. 
In the print room we really love Wesley's style, his use of colour and half tone in his work is simple but extremely effective. Although Wesley's work is not been presented as screen prints, Matt and I both agree that it easily could be.
Click here for more information on Wesley Merritt's Exhibition.

We also feel it would also be worth checking out some of the screen prints in the gallery shop for inspiration and to see how contemporary illustrators and graphic designers are using texture, halftones and colour in their work. https://www.coningsbygallery.com/shop/screen-prints
Prints by 'Heretic'

Monday, 29 September 2014

The Winston Churchill Design Competition- Jack MacRae (Graphic Design Level 6)

Jack Macrae(Level 6 Graphic Design) was down in the print room today printing this lovely concertina book.
Jack produced this book for this years Winston Churchill design competition, run through ArtsThread. The brief was to 'capture the essence of Churchill's unique style and personality, and present it for a modern audience.'
   Jack focussed on "exploring the many the many aspects of Winston Churchill's Persona through the clothes and  accessories he wore in famous photographs." Jack says the piece "aimed to show not only the style with which he carried himself, but also the personality and substance of the man." 

We wish Jack the best of luck with his competition entry. If you would like to see more of Jacks work visit his blog at, www.jackmacrae.tumblr.com .

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Mono Printing - Wyman Babbage (Illustration Level 5)

After seeing the mono printing with textured wallpaper post on the blog earlier in the week,
Wyman Babbage (Level 5 Illustration) decided to apply this technique to some experimental work for his new project. Wyman has begun to research the lunar cycle and wanted to play around with illustrating some of the stages of this cycle using this technique.

Wyman experimented printing with black ink on black stock to illustrate a 'new moon' and we think it worked really well.
We are looking forward to see if and how this idea will develop over the course of the project.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Screen Print Inductions (Graphic Design Level 5)

A busy day in the print rooms!
Our Level 5 Graphic Design students began their screen print inductions today. Guided through the basics of making a screen,mixing colours, printing and registering a print by our technician Matt Dixon. The students created a two layer print of a penguin classic book cover.

We are looking forward to how they will embrace this print method in their book cover designs in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions regarding screen printing, come and talk to Matt in the print rooms.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Experimenting with Ink washes and Letterpress

Todays experiments began by diluting some etching ink with white spirit. By pushing the ink around a plate and mixing certain areas with the white spirit more so than others I was able to create these washes. 

They printed really well and were full of texture and detail. It seemed a shame to leave them as they were, I decided to develop the idea further.

I applied the same technique to some of the large wooden type in the letterpress studio.

I was pleasantly surprised with the results and decided to combine both of my experiments together.

If you like the look of this technique and would like to have a go for yourself, get down the print room and see Christian.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Friday 19th September

We had a great day in the print room today!

Wyman Babbage (Illustration level 5) tried his hand at reduction Lino printing.
 Wyman was pleasantly surprised with his out come considering it was his first attempt and is looking forward to exploring Lino further in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile Jordan Baines (Illustration level 6) created these mixed media prints, combining screen printing with various mark making techniques and some letterpress for good measure. If you want to see more of Jordan's work check out his blog. ohhsocuriousillustration.blogspot.co.uk .

Gina Hankin (Illustration level 6) was experimenting with image transfer, letter press and created these lovely collages.

If you want to know more about any of the techniques in this post get down the print room and ask one of our technicians.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Mono-Printing (Textured Wallpaper)

These monoprints have been created using torn pieces of textured wallpaper, the paper has been inked up and run through the etching press.

In order to gain more control over the finished print a stencil was cut and laid over the pieces of wallpaper.

But why stop there? Once dry, the prints could be screen printed over or have text added to them in the letterpress room, the possibilities are endless. 

Such a simple method has produced such effective results, but how could you apply this technique in your work? 

News from the Print Room

Are you tired of the using the same old techniques? Are you looking for inspiration for your next project? or do you just want to know what time the print rooms open?

Over the course of the year we hope to grow this blog in to the main resource for your print related needs. We aim to keep this blog up to date and brimming with a variety of inspiring and informative posts, including tutorials, prints from our students and anything that we feel you should know happening in the world of print. 

On top of that the blog will contain information regarding opening times, handouts from inductions (just incase you misplaced them) and an area devoted to frequently asked questions.

If you have something you would like to contribute to the blog please email: Christian.Bennett@port.ac.uk  .