Friday, 6 February 2015

Letterpress- Georgia Quaddy- Graphic design

Third year graphic design student Georgia Quaddy has been experimenting with letterpress for her final major project. Not being one to be scared of working at scale and feeling limited by the size type we hold in the letterpress studio, Georgia decided to cut her own. 
Georgia laser cut a number of A's out of a variety of materials including; card, acrylic and mdf. We were then able to test which worked best and experiment with different inking techniques.
We can wait to see how this idea develops and Georgia's final outcomes at the end of year show.

Animation- Monoprint Workshop

A few photos from an animation monoprint work shop we ran. The animations students learnt a number of mono printing techniques with the aim to develop a character or background loop.
It was really exciting to see these mono print techniques being approached with the intention for the outcomes to become animated, its not something we see everyday here in the print room.
We can't wait to see how the animators develop the ideas over the coming weeks and the final animations.